
When the objective is to keep a relationship healthy, vibrant and viable over many years, love is most certainly NOT all you need. Additional ingredients are essential to the recipe -- such as compassion, the ability to fight fair, respect, flexibility, acceptance. Most of these skills are not innate, but can be learned. Spontaneity and passion make for great flings, but can rarely sustain a marriage or, for that matter, any adult relationship.

If you are ready to fix your relationship, wish to figure out whether you want to keep it going or simply wish to take your marriage from good to great, give me a call. We will work together efficiently and calmly to identify the areas of strength and growth in your couple, so we can tackle them, smooth out the kinks, consolidate the progress made, and provide you with lasting skills.

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Laura Collura, MFT

 8170 Beverly Blvd Suite 207 Los Angeles, CA 90048 US